Outpatient night care gGmbH
Brennerweg 39
D-69124 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 290 29
E-Mail: info@nachtpflege.de
Authorized Managing Partner Mr. Joachim Jekel register court Mannheim District Court registration number
HRB 335934
Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV
Mr. Joachim Jekel (social business economist)
The contents of the website of Ambulante Nachtpflege gGmbH are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. With the exception of the downloads offered for use in the original version, the use of the texts and illustrations, even in excerpts, violates the provisions of copyright without the prior written consent of the Ambulanten Nachtpflege Daheim gGmbH and is therefore unlawful. This applies in particular to all exploitation rights such as duplication, translation or use in electronic systems. Our website uses registered trademarks, trade names, utility models and logos. Even if these are not marked as such at the respective places, the corresponding legal regulations apply.
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